
Formula: Cu5Zn(AsO4)(PO4)(OH)6 · H2O

Species: Arsenates Phosphates

Colour: Bright emerald green

Lustre: Vitreous

Hardness: 3 – 4

Specific Gravity: 4.07

Crystal System: Monoclinic

Name: Named for the town of Philipsburg, Montana, USA, near the type locality.

Type Locality: Black Pine Mine, Philipsburg Mining District (Flint Creek Mining District), Granite Co., Montana – USA

Many “philipsburgites” from localities except the type locality are probably goldhillite. For example, the first find of “philipsburgite” from the Clara mine, Black Forest, Germany, was analysed as P-free, i.e. it is in fact goldhillite.