Formula: Sb2S3
Species: Sulfides
Colour: Lead-gray with pale blue tint
Lustre: Metallic
Hardness: 2
Specific Gravity: 4.63
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Member of: Stibnite Group, Bismuthinite-Stibnite Series.
Name: Renamed in 1832 by François Sulpice Beudant. According to Dioscorides, the original Greek names for the mineral were Στιβι “stibi”, Στιμμι “stimmi”, and Πλατνόπθαλμου. The former name became the Latin “stibium” and the old name for the element antimony (Sb). Named spiessglas in 1430 by Basil Valentine who showed the mineral contained sulphur. Also known as antimony glance, antimonite, and stibine.
Dimorph of: Metastibnite
The most common antimony sulphide. An important Sb ore mineral.