Formula: Pb(MoO4)
Species: Molybdates Sulfates
Colour: Orange-yellow, yellow, honey-yellow, reddish-orange, rarely colourless, grey, brown, olive-green and even black.
Lustre: Adamantine, Sub-Adamantine, Resinous
Hardness: 2½ – 3
Specific Gravity: 6.5 – 7.5
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Member of: Scheelite Group
Name: Renamed in 1845 by Wilhelm Karl von Haidinger in honor of Franz Xavier von Wulfen , botanist, mineralogist, alpinist and a member of the Order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuit). Wulfen authored a monograph on the lead ores of Bleiberg, Austria. This mineral was originally named “plumbum spatosum flavo-rubrum, ex Annaberg, Austria” in 1772 by Ignaz von Born. In 1781, Joseph Franz Edler von Jacquin called the mineral “Kärntherischer bleispath”. Other names were later proposed.
Type Locality: Bad Bleiberg, Villach-Land District, Carinthia – Austria
Stolzite-Wulfenite Series.